Roundtable with Ziryan Rojhilati on the ongoing unrest in Iran and its regional implications
Date of publication: October 18, 2022

Prague Centre for Middle East Relations (PCMR) of CEVRO Institute organized a closed roundtable focusing on the ongoing unrest in Iran and its regional implications. Our distinquished guest was Ziryan Rojhilati, Director of Rudaw Research Center. The event took place on October 14, 2022 at CEVRO Institute (Jungmannova 28/17, Prague).
Iran is engulfed in widespread demonstrations and unrest following death of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini following her detention by the infamous Guidance Patrol. We will discuss the state of ongoing protests in Iran and its ramification for the Iranian regime both domestically and internationally. Developments in Iran have far reaching implications for regional affairs including (Iraqi) Kurdish politics, Iraqi politics and the situation in Lebanon and in Syria.
The debate was be moderated by Tomáš Kaválek, Director of Prague Centre for Middle East Relations (PCMR).
Ziryan Rojhilati is Director of think-tank Rudaw Research Center (RRC) based in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). The RRC is affiliated with the Rudaw Media Network, one of the major media companies operating in the KRI. Ziryan is a political analyst focusing on the issues of Kurdish politics in Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria as well as internal politics and security of the said countries. Previously, he has worked in various media and local research outlets including as the Editor in Chief of Radio Nawa in 2009-13. Ziryan obtained his degree at the Suleimani Polythechnic University.