Roundtable “Yemen Entangled: Discussing the Current Dynamics”

Date of publication: June 7, 2024

Prague Centre from Middle East Relations (PCMR) of CEVRO organized a closed roundtable Yemen Entangled: Discussing the Current Dynamics with Nadwa al-Dawsari, non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute (MEI) and a fellow at the Center on Armed Groups. The event took place on June 6, 2024 at CEVRO.

The debate was moderated by Tomáš Kaválek, Director of Prague Centre for Middle East Relations (PCMR).

The roundtable was held under the Chatham House Rules.

Yemen has been entangled with its latest civil war for more than a decade. We discussed the situation in the country which is far from stable. Huthis remain key actor controlling northwest of the country while the rest is divided between the domains of the UN-recognized government and various other actors, such as the Southern Transitional Council. We also asserted that while al-Qaeda in Arab Peninsula may seem at bay at the moment, it is far from defeated. Moreover, Yemen is facing an acute humanitarian crisis. According to the UN up to 17.6 million people experience food and nutrition insecurity in 2024.

We also discussed the role of regional and global actors in Yemen as it has been a playground for various powers. Regional countries include chiefly Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. On the other side is Iran, which views Huthis as and integral part of their regional network of friendly non-state armed groups to further Tehran’s interests in the region. Yemen has also found itself in the international spotlight following with Huthis threatening key maritime routes against the background of Israel-Hamas war and confrontation between Iran and its adversaries.

Speaker’s Bio

Nadwa Al-Dawsari is a veteran researcher, conflict analyst, and policy advisor with 20 years of field experience in Yemen and the broader Middle East. Currently, she serves as a non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute (MEI) and a fellow at the Center on Armed Groups. She has provided advisory services to policymakers, US and European donors, regional actors, UN agencies, and humanitarian organizations. Nadwa is regularly featured as a guest speaker on panel discussions about Yemen and the broader Middle East and her work has been widely published by the top think tanks in the United States and Europe.

In her previous roles, Nadwa served as a senior conflict advisor to the World Food Program, a Yemen country director at the Center for Civilians in Conflict, the founding director at Partners Yemen, a MENA advisor at Partners Global, and a senior program manager at the National Democratic Institute.

Nadwa’s research focuses on conflict in Yemen, drawing connections to broader geopolitical dynamics in the Middle East. She examines the impact of US foreign policy, internationally-led peace efforts, counterterrorism, and aid on stability and security amid the rise of non-state armed actors and the evolving proxy warfare landscape in the region.